Following the much publicised news of Indian Navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav being pronounced a death penalty by the Pakistan Government, Rishi Kapoor took to twitter to express his displeasure. Not know to mince his words; Rishi lambasted the decision with a straight-laced statement. He tweeted, “Sorry India.Tried to broker peace via actors,films,sports etc..with Pakistan,but they just want hatred, so be it!Taali do haath se bajti hai!” That tweet attracted a lot of abuse and criticism from Pakistani users of the social media forum. Not one to back down, the senior Kapoor replied to every single hate tweet defending his opinion and blowing holes in the hatred of his twitter detractors. When a young female user abused him he replied back, “Mind your language young lady! Surely your parents did not teach you to speak to elders this way.”

Rishi Kapoor has always been outspoken and direct in his views on social media. He’s also never shied away from firing salvos at his trolls and haters. In a concluding tweet to all the mayhem, Rishi posted, “These girls abuse and when exposed they make their tweets unavailable. Such is their conviction lol”. As always he has the final word in every twitter war


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